Movie Review: Executive Action (1973)

Being a connoisseur of all things conspiracy, mainly anything having to do with the assassination of John F. Kennedy, I was shocked that I had not heard of the film Executive Action until about five minutes before I watched it earlier this evening. Wanting to pass the time, I decided to give it a go, assuming it would probably go along the lines of The Parallax View, which came out a year later and depicted the assassination of a United States senator at the hands of a multinational corporation, with many similarities between that and the JFK assassination. However, what we have here is an actual telling of a conspiracy to kill the president, one that the opening credits notes is fictitious, but whose speculation is based in fact. The truth is, this is a 1970’s version of Oliver Stone’s JFK, as it expertly combines actual footage of Kennedy, Oswald, and other various people and events throughout the story, both through color and black-and-white photography. The end result is not as stunning as Stone’s work, but it is, perhaps, even more plausible.

I am a firm believer that JFK was assassinated as the result of a conspiracy, and while I would love to think that the CIA, in cahoots with many different levels of government in an elaborate scheme is what did him in, it simply becomes too far-fetched to be believable. This film presents the conspirators as businessmen (who have their own teams of hitmen for carrying out various deeds), with economic interests that will be ruined if the United States pulls its troops out of Southeast Asia, as Kennedy promised he would do. It follows this group of men, led by an aging but still convincing Burt Lancaster, along with Robert Ryan and Will Geer, all of whom work well together. Everything is explained through these men and their point-of-view, and this detailed conspiracy becomes presented in a way that anyone will be able to follow along. Throughout the film, if you have watched JFK, you will see scenes depicted that were only talked about or mentioned in passing in Stone’s film, such as an Oswald impostor (who plays a pivotal role in the story) making himself seen all over Dallas in the weeks leading up to the assassination, by buying a rifle with a telescopic sight, practicing at a shooting range and firing on someone else’s target to draw attention to himself, and causing a fuss at a car dealership by making pro-Communist comments to a salesman he thinks is ripping him off.  All this is happening while the real Oswald, who is not depicted and whose real whereabouts are unknown, is suggested as being a puppet of the FBI or CIA, causing his background to be muddled enough that he would become the perfect candidate as a patsy for the assassination.

Grainy film-stock quality aside (it is in need of a severe restoration), this is a thoroughly enjoyable story, if not somewhat frightening, though not on par with Stone’s; the only reason I keep drawing the comparison between the two is because the director had to have seen this movie before he made his own, because they are similar in so many ways. The one thing that Executive Action has that JFK does not is a disclaimer in the opening credits clearly stating that the plot is fictional, even though the speculation is based in fact. This allows the production more freedom, though the story told here is probably much more accurate (if that is the proper word to use) to the one told by Stone—JFK remains a favorite of mine, and a masterwork of editing and craft, but there are too many lies strewn throughout that it ruins what is actually true and what might be true, causing his film to be one of entertainment, and not education, which I think was his ultimate goal.

That said, this film is not perfect. Many of the scenes are quite verbose and the actual dialogue and planning between the big businessmen can border on lecturing, especially when you factor in the countless slideshows they view while sitting together. As for the actual assassination scene, parts of which were filmed on location at Dealey Plaza, I admire the director David Miller for actually including it, but it is rather lackluster. Executive Action is rated PG, and even though it would have probably been PG-13 had it come out today, I think an R-rating level of violence, as seen in the earlier mentioned The Parallax View, would have made the killing scene a lot better, and served as the icing on a well-baked cake, rather than just a, “Oh, well at least they tried” moment. But the rest of the film must be applauded for its directness, abundance of back-story (such as the assassination teams practicing on moving targets in the Texas desert, as well as conversations between the men in charge going down to the smallest of details in how the shooting will work, and how the killers will get away) and sticking to a very simple plot that does not overdo itself at its own expense.

What we are left with here is a hidden gem of film-making, with a clever story, good acting, and an excellent, well-researched screenplay by the legendary Dalton Trumbo. My final rating is a hard-fought 7.5, with a note that I would definitely watch it again. One must wonder why this film is not more well-known than others dealing with similar situations. Not to claim another conspiracy, but could there be a reason for that? Maybe the story that seeps through in Executive Action is more fact than fiction…

9 Comments Add yours

  1. Gettysbuff says:

    Interesting. Never heard of this movie.

    I also believe in the conspiracy theory when it comes to the assassination. When i was at high school many years ago we were set an assignment to come up with who we thought was responsible. This was probably the first and only part of my history class that i actually enjoyed (i hated history back then). I was totally obsessed by the assassination. I went to the town library promptly (and i think before anyone else could get there) and i must have gotten every single book that they had on the subject. I think i ended up going home with at least 12 books or something. I read each one, one after the other, and spent hours writing down all the evidence, etc, etc, eliminating all the possible suspects/suspected parties along the way. In the end i had actually decided beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was the CIA and i still think that to this day. They definitely had somerhing to do with it. The CIA has (or had) assassins, and if you want someone taking out that’s who one should go to. Ruby had worked for them previously and then he ends up shooting Oswald. Why? To shut him up of course! They couldn’t let him stand trial because he could end up spilling the beans. It’s pretty simple (at least to me it is!). But that’s just my humble opinion.

    1. I had to do a project on it as well, in college last year. We came up with the same verdict as you: the CIA. They are definitely the more likely of all the government branches, plus Oswald was (possibly) a CIA operative under the cover of ONI, as was Clay Shaw.

      1. Gettysbuff says:


  2. Wes Mijares says:

    You said you are a firm believer it was a conspiracy and then you say you don’t think the CIA did it. Who then? Then in the comments you say your school group came up with CIA. Were you the only one in the group that did not agree with that conclusion? That assignment sounds like an exciting and interactive way to teach the JFK assassination! Kudos to your teacher! I’m going to do that when I get my own classroom if I get to teach US history. As for who had the technical ability to pull off the assassination, keep in mind it has to be a group able to change the parade route and able to cover up the crime. A conspiracy is merely two or more people acting in secret to commit a crime. The term “conspiracy theory” is used to limit discussion and control historical inquiry. As students of history, we should be truth buffs. When the evidence points to conspiracy we should go with it and not say “oh this and that is just too far fetched so I choose not to believe it.” I have seen Oliver Stone’s JFK and think it is spot on accurate. I can’t imagine which parts of that film you think are made up other than some dialogue which would have to be surmised. I’m going to watch Executive Action this week. It looks fantastic from the plot description and trailer!

    1. I always drift back and forth between who I think the culprits are. I still think the CIA had something to do with it, just not as elaborately as Stone’s film suggests.

  3. Carlo says:

    I only heard about this movie yesterday. Its not available in South Africa yet. Browsing around on the net I stumbled upon this forum. My obsession with the JFK assassination began after I graduating from university. It started with the 9 episode series “The men who killed Kennedy” and most recently “Revision of Evidence” which I thought is absolutely brilliant. I’ve watch JFK(Stone) and now seriously want to watch Executive Action. Where can I find it and is there any other movies dealing with the assassination?

  4. Bernadette Scahill says:

    This film was the work also of Mark Lane who co wrote it. He was one of the first to raise questions about the assassination and his film “rush to judgement” is a must for those who question the official line of the assassination – his book of the same title was a best seller. He worked with Garrison and he was the one who spoke with the real “Mr X” as shown in JFK by stone (Who was actually Col L Fletcher Prouty – many videos etc online as well as books Lane also wrote plausible Denial – citing the CIA involvement in the assassination. Hence although I have not seen the film as yet bearing in mind the background of Mark Lane and his research etc then I would imagine the aim of the film was to get across what he felt happened in a “fictional” manner – similar to Stone’s JFK

    For more about Garrison i would recommend watching

    Jim bourbour – the garrison tapes – on you tube
    General JFK assassination
    A coup in Camelot – on amazon video and i tunes – Stephe Goetsch
    The searchers – Randolph Benson –

    On you tube also excellent is a series called Evidence of Revision and also for a general background “everything is a rich mans trick”.

    Then go on and read
    Personal recommendations :

    JFK and the unthinkable and why it matters – Jim Douglass
    The Devils Cheese board – Talbot
    The last investigation – Fonzi
    (Sorry names escape me )

  5. Stephen Jaffe says:

    I was interested in these comments since I was the supervising producer of this film and technical advisor. I had worked for Jim Garrison, NODA for two years from 1967. I worked with Mark Lane for 50 years. Also worked on John Barbour’s excellent documentaries about DA Garrison. The comments here are informed. The recommendations of Ms. Scahill are excellent. The truth is out there if you look for it.

    1. Thank you so much for reaching out. It is an honor to speak with someone involved with the film. And after checking your filmography, I noticed you were an associate producer on Exorcist 3, which is one of my favorite movies! Would love to chat with you further!

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