No One Exploits a Tragedy Like America

This past Saturday, while I was browsing around the Atlantic Highlands Flea Market, I noticed a vendor selling a very unique type of artwork. As I went closer, I realized they were pieces of driftwood with pictures painted on them. “Okay, that’s pretty cool,” I thought to myself, until I saw the sign, which read,…

Weathering the Storm: Cheers and Jeers Following Hurricane Sandy

Like every situation, there are many positives and negatives that can be observed. I had wanted to write this earlier but also wanted to wait, since I did not think it was the proper time to drop something cynical on this blog, when so many people needed feel-good stories to get by. So I have…

Weathering the Storm: A Drive Through War-Torn Highlands

I do not mean to offend anyone by referring to martial-law declared Highlands as “war-torn”, but after returning from the police restricted zone yesterday afternoon during some of our volunteer work, it was the only adjective I could come up with as a few of my students and players gathered around to ask what it…

Weathering the Storm: Help Needed!

Having just returned from a clothing and other essential items drive in Highlands, I can now say that the effects of this storm have finally sunk in. The surreal feeling is now gone and has been replaced by sadness, but that cannot get in the way of what needs to be done. The message is…

Weathering the Storm: A Brief Message After Hurricane Sandy

Now that the power is back on and my hiatus from blogging is over, I just wanted to let everyone know that my family and I are fine, and I also want to express my deepest sympathies for those in nearby towns that were affected by Hurricane Sandy, as I will elaborate on later. The…